Dive into market trends and let yourself be inspired by consumer insights to crystallize your product idea. Shape your brand experience by defining what role packaging can play in shelf stand-out, in consumption delight or in convenient functionality. Immerse yourself in all the possibilities our product ranges can offer.


See, taste, feel, hear the difference

In today’s saturated market, consumers are fed up with the ordinary. We seek small rewards in our busy, and often stressful lives. Rewards that delight the senses, that connect products and brands to a unique consumption experience, that offer a real break away from the craziness. Experiences for which we expect to – and are willing to – pay more.


All we need is health – and wellness

Looking good and feeling good. Two drivers of our modern society.
Today’s consumers believe in a holistic view on health, looking at the person as a whole – body, mind, spirit and emotion –in the quest for optimal health and wellness. Naturally, this flows over into the products we consume. We want them to be healthy, better for us and even adding value to our wellbeing.


According to a Nielsen Global survey on Corporate Social Responsibility (2014), 52% of global consumers are willing to pay more for products made by environmentally and socially committed companies.


Value redefined

Consumers love products that optimize their most precious personal resources: time and money. They favor ready-made solutions that make their lives easier and want to see value in the products they choose to purchase. Price is no longer the determining factor of a brand’s value – rather ingredients, positioning, functionality and aesthetics are important. As a result, private label brands are often purchased in the same shopping cart with name brands.


Re-assure me

Between the latest “un-hype” ingredient to avoid (and we know the list is getting longer and longer) and the choice overload, consumers are feeling cautious and anxious. They seek trusted brands and products that will make them feel safe. Brands that lift a weight off of their shoulders.


Small world, big opportunities

Consumer packaged goods are the biggest travellers today. The world is a village, becoming increasingly connected, creating more visibility for brands and creating new accessible growth opportunities. But consumers’ expectations, habits and practices are not the same everywhere and packaging can play an important role in your product acceptance abroad.


Made for me

Today more than ever, products are a means of expression. We are under pressure to impress and stand out in society, and it’s the products you buy that make you, you. This translates itself into engagement with brands beyond the point of product function. Consumers want to have the feeling products are made for them or are right for their lifestyle. Glass’ versatility is a perfect ally for your brand.


Home is where the heart is.

Over the last few years, home has evolved to somewhere people want to spend time in and money on.
